Here is the list of Docker interview questions,
1.What is the difference between an Image, Container, and Engine?
2.What is the difference between the Docker command COPY vs ADD?
3.What is the difference between the Docker command CMD vs RUN?
4.How will you reduce the size of a Docker image?
5.Why and when should you use Docker?
6.Explain the Docker components and how they interact with each other.
7.Explain the terminology: Docker Compose, Dockerfile, Docker Image, Docker Container.
8.In what real scenarios have you used Docker?
9.Docker vs Hypervisor?
10.What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Docker?
11.What is a Docker namespace?
12.What is a Docker registry?
13.What is an entry point?
14.How to implement CI/CD in Docker?
15.Will data on the container be lost when the Docker container exits?
16.What is a Docker swarm?
17.What are the Docker commands for the following:
Viewing running containers
Running a container under a specific name
Exporting a Docker image
Importing an existing Docker image
Deleting a container
18.Removing all stopped containers, unused networks, build caches, and dangling images? 24.
19.What are the common Docker practices to reduce the size of Docker images?
20.How do you troubleshoot a Docker container that is not starting?
21.Can you explain the Docker networking model?
22.How do you manage persistent storage in Docker?
23.How do you secure a Docker container?
24.What is Docker overlay networking?
25.How do you handle environment variables in Docker?
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