Task 1 : Checking Exit Status
Q. Write a script that attempts to create a directory and checks if the command was successful. If not, print an error message.
# User input to create directory
read -p "Enter directory that you want to create: " dir
# Create directory
mkdir $dir
# Check if previous command executed or not
if [ $? -ne '0' ]; then
echo "Sorry :( Failed to create directory $dir"
exit 1
echo "Directory '$dir' created successfully:)"
# Output
linux$ ./Create_Dir.sh
Enter directory that you want to create: Demo_Directory
Directory 'Demo_Directory' created successfully:)
linux$ ./Create_Dir.sh
Enter directory that you want to create: Demo_Directory
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘Demo_Directory’: File exists
Sorry :( Failed to create directory Demo_Directory
Task 2 : Using
Statements for Error CheckingQ. Modify the script from Task 1 to include more commands (e.g., creating a file inside the directory) and use
statements to handle errors at each step.
# User input to create file
read -p "Enter filename with absolute path that you want to create: " file
# Create file
touch $file
# Check if previous command executed or not
if [ $? -ne '0' ]; then
echo "Sorry :( Failed to create file $file"
exit 1
echo "File '$file' created successfully:)"
linux$ ./Create_file.sh
Enter filename with absolute path that you want to create: /home/shuhari/linux/demo.txt
File '/home/shuhari/linux/demo.txt' created successfully:)
Task 3 : Using
for CleanupQ. Write a script that creates a temporary file and sets a
to delete the file if the script exits unexpectedly.
# Create a temporary file
# Ensure the temporary file is deleted upon script exit
trap "rm -f $TEMP_FILE" EXIT
echo "Temporary file created: $TEMP_FILE"
# Simulate some operations
echo "Performing some operations..."
sleep 3
# Simulate an unexpected exit
echo "Simulating an unexpected exit..."
exit 1
# Normal script exit point (this won't be reached due to the simulated exit)
echo "Script completed successfully."
# Output
linux$ ./trap.sh
Temporary file created: /tmp/tmp.BQqhnnNvlk
Performing some operations...
Simulating an unexpected exit...
Refer more for trap command.
Task 4 : Redirecting Errors
Q. Write a script that tries to read a non-existent file and redirects the error message to a file called
# Declare variables for file and error.log
read -p "Enter file name that your want to read: " file
# Attempt to read non_existing file and redirect error message to error.log
cat "$file" 2> "$error_file"
# Check is error was logged?
if [ -s "$error_file" ]; then
echo "An error occurred. Check $error_file for details."
echo "File read successfully."
# Output
linux$ ls
Create_Dir.sh Create_file.sh redirect_errors.sh trap.sh
/linux$ ./redirect_errors.sh
Enter file name that your want to read: demoFile.txt
An error occurred. Check error.log for details.
linux$ ls
Create_Dir.sh Create_file.sh error.log redirect_errors.sh trap.sh
linux$ cat error.log
cat: demoFile.txt: No such file or directory
linux$ ls
Create_Dir.sh Create_file.sh redirect_errors.sh temp.txt trap.sh
linux$ ./redirect_errors.sh
Enter file name that your want to read: temp.txt
This is tempFile
File read successfully.
Task 5 : Creating Custom Error Messages
Q. Modify one of the previous scripts to include custom error messages that provide more context about what went wrong.
# Prompt the user for the file name to read
read -p "Enter the file name you want to read: " file
# Attempt to read the specified file and redirect error messages to error.log
cat "$file" 2> "$error_file"
# Check if an error was logged
if [ -s "$error_file" ]; then
# Check specific error conditions
if [ ! -f "$file" ]; then
echo "Error: The file '$file' does not exist."
# Check if file have read permission or not
elif [ ! -r "$file" ]; then
echo "Error: Permission denied. Unable to read the file '$file'."
echo "An unknown error occurred. Check $error_file for details."
echo "File '$file' read successfully."
# Output
linux$ ls
adv_errors.sh Create_Dir.sh Create_file.sh demo.xtxt redirect_errors.sh trap.sh
linux$ ./adv_errors.sh
Enter the file name you want to read: file.txt
Error: The file 'file.txt' does not exist.
linux$ ls
adv_errors.sh Create_Dir.sh Create_file.sh demo.xtxt error.log redirect_errors.sh trap.sh
linux$ cat error.log
cat: file.txt: No such file or directory
linux$ ./adv_errors.sh
Enter the file name you want to read: demo.xtxt
File 'demo.xtxt' read successfully.
linux$ cat error.log
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